“Brazilian quartet Quaternaglia shows skills and flair on exciting program […] The quartet always sounds as one, so together are the players here […] Bachianas Brasileiras n.9 makes a great capper to an album of consistently fine playing and some very interesting works” [CD Xangô] Classical Guitar, England
“Quaternaglia’s newest album [Xangô] is a winner. It has great playing, beautiful and unhackneyed music, and excellent recording quality. The group is certainly among the elite of the guitar quartets […] Quaternaglia is a state-of-art-ensemble; they are melodically and rhythmically vital, virtuosic and exciting, individually beautiful in sound, and capable of enchanting sonorities. The performances are preternaturally exact in their synchronization while still sounding spontaneous. A first-rate disc. Al Kunze (Soundboard, USA)
“Playing a programme made up of compositions written by their fellow countrymen, the Brazilian guitar quartet Quaternaglia are on top form here on this, their latest CD release [Jequibau]. They play with remarkable precision and display high musicianship and a true understanding of the musical styles represented here. The music is excellent, without any fillers-in and it is a programme, which can be listened to over and over without any drop of interest.” Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar, England)
“Everything sounds like a logical necessity, thanks to the new bossa of fusion presented by Quaternaglia. In this CD [Jequibau], Quaternaglia unveils the complexities hibernating within traditional Brazilian rhythms”.
Manuel da Costa Pinto (Folha de S. Paulo, Brasil)
“The best Brazilian guitar quartet celebrates its maturity with a stunning album [Estampas]. After 18 years of activities, Quaternaglia conquered not only its country but also the international scenery”. João Marcos Coelho (Estadão, Brasil)
“The Quaternaglia Guitar Quartet were stunningly communicative in a fabulous arrangement of Embolada from Villa-Lobos’s Bachianas Brasileiras n.1, a breathtakingly tranquil arrangement of Egberto Gismonti’s theme, Paulo Bellinati’s polyrhythmic tour de force Baião de Gude, and Sergio Molina’s Clove and Cinnamon Sonata. The audience demanded an encore – a drop-dead, clean, lyrical and consummately musical Fugue from the same Bachianas Brasileiras.”Gil French (American Record Guide, USA)
“Their technical mastery is matched only by their enthusiasm. Even in their most intrinsic playing, you can see them smiling and enjoying the moment.” Tim Wassberg (Valley Scene Magazine, USA)
“Un programma sfavillante e di grande presa in quest’ultima incisione del quartetto chitarristico Quaternaglia.” [CD Presença] Piero Viti (Guitart, Italy)
“Having seen the group perform ‘live’ by watching a recent DVD release I can only hope that I get to hear them in the flesh at sometime soon. A magnificent release: highly recommended.” [CD Presença]
Tim Panting (Classical Guitar, England)
“Quaternaglia maintains, in this DVD, the characteristics of originality and refinement that have been the highlight of the ensemble’s trajectory.” Irineu Franco Perpétuo (Folha de S. Paulo, Brazil)
“Quaternaglia, which plays with such precision and perfect communication that it is as if the individual members have strands of nerve tissue in common, connecting them to a single central nervous system.” [CD Presença] Randy Morse (The Best of Brazil, USA)
“Creating Canon Fire: Quaternaglia Guitar Quartet attracted by opportunity to add experience and spice to a young genre.” John Henken (Los Angeles Times, USA)
“Purity of guitar sounds shines through Brazil’s Quaternaglia.” Susan Bliss (Los Angeles Times)
“An aura of purity pervaded the Thursday night concert given by the Quaternaglia Guitar Quartet in the Little Theater, at California State Fullerton.” Los Angeles Times
“Quaternaglia met the requirements with equanimity and intelligence in its Southern California debut.” Los Angeles Times
“Brazilian guitar quartet thrills sold-out crowd.” Wayne Lee Gay (Fort Worth Star Telegram, USA)
“The four Brazilian performed the entire concert from memory and with a precise interaction that makes one think that their hearts must beat in the same rhythm.” Fort Worth Star Telegram
“For Federico Moreno Torroba’s Estampas, the players imparted a strong sense of storytelling, as they answered one another in delicate, matched voices and conveyed shifting moods.” Fort Worth Star Telegram
Not a note was out of place all evening, and every nuance of interpretation was together.” Fort Worth Star Telegram
“Quaternaglia was a high point of our concert season. They played a wonderful variety of music with a high degree of professionalism and great enthusiasm.” Alice Artzt (USA)
“Wherever Quaternaglia performs, it draws the audience’s attention, not only for its serious work and the choice of its repertoire, but especially for its contagious enthusiasm.” Sérgio Abreu (Brazil)
“The ubiquitous quality and the fantastic sonority multiplies the guitar sound by four”. Les Cahiers de la Guitare (France)
“After having heard Quaternaglia, the guitar quartet, I must say they are excellent artists, of an accurate musical sense. My applauses and sincere congratulations”. Abel Carlevaro (Uruguay)
“Life has kindly shown to me the joys and pleasures that are exclusively allowed to countrymen and wise men. Again, and this time I get four at one stroke, that is this wonderful present that is made of friendship, admiration, respect and especially of Quaternaglia’s musicality. Thanks!” Egberto Gismonti (Brazil)
“Forrobodó brings an inedited repertoire for four guitars, which enriches the Brazilian Music.” (Guitar Player Magazine)
“The CD [Forrobodó] shows the musical maturity of the ensemble and was performed with special care by the great guitarists of Quaternaglia.” Henrique Pinto (Brazil)
“Quaternaglia’s performances thrill with their subtleties, their orchestral energy and transparence in addition to the Brazilian swing. A fantastic ensemble.” Paulo Bellinati (Brazil)
“Extremely well played, the sound production is fantastic and the interpretations are excellent.” [CD Antique] Jan-Olof Eriksson (Sweden)
“Now we have this CD that shows this group’s talent and serious work. It is a group that knows how to choose its repertoire and perform it perfectly, both technically and intellectually. I think the best we can do is to sit and hear so as to enjoy this good music.” [CD Quaternaglia] Gilberto Mendes (Brazil)
“The recordings are extremely beautiful in every possible aspect. This work is already part of the Brazilian musical history of the nineties.” Amaral Vieira (Brazil) [CDs Quaternaglia and Antique]
“It is a marvellous CD. It shows Quaternaglia’s high artistic quality and great talent. Bravissimo!” [CD Quaternaglia] Gilbert Biberian (England)
“It was a pleasure to meet Quaternaglia in Montevideo, Uruguay, at the International Guitar Festival, in 1996. I liked their musicianship and communication with the audience. I wish them much success”. Carlos Barbosa-Lima (Brazil)
“One of the most expressive representatives of this precious generation of Brazilian guitar players is Quaternaglia.” Júlio Medaglia (Brazil)
“Quaternaglia establishes references of virtuosity, culture and art that turn its first CD into a phonographic revelation. It is naturally a candidate for the nomination of the best CD of the year.” [CD Quaternaglia] Zito baptista Filho (O Globo, Brazil)
“Tobias Hume’s Intavolatura shows the effort made by each member of the group so as to neutralize his soloist personality and play as if the four musicians were one single body.” [CD Antique] Antonio Gonçalves Filho (Estadão, Brazil)